We have two projects (#BrighterFUTURE and ‘Ka Hortag…’) in this category to help youth and parents in Leicester. So, please read more about each project to get most out of it.
Are you a young person, aged 14+, eager to enhance your future prospects? Then #BrighterFUTURE is the right place for you!
Enrolment to the workshops and event day of #BrighterFUTURE Youth Project is now in full swing. If you want to participate either in the workshops or the event day, or know someone who may benefit from these, then get registered!
• Art & Entertainment
• Becoming a future leader
• Career development workshop
• Building a mind-set for success
• Life coaching – What do I want? How can I get it?
• Entrepreneurship – What it is and how to apply it
Every Saturday, beginning 9 January till 21 May 2016, from 3pm to 5pm.The workshops' venue is:1stFloor, 257 Belgrave Gate, Leicester, LE1 3HU.
By attending these workshops you will enrich your future prospects and enhance your skills and receive a Certificate, which will boost your CV. So, come and benefit from this free knowledge and build your portfolio!
#BrighterFUTURE Youth Event Day is on Saturday 28 May 2016 from 11am to 4 pm at St. Matthews Community & Sport Centre, 10 Malabar Road, Leicester, LE1 2PD, and will include:
• Recruitment Fair including an opportunity for Internship and Apprenticeship
• Youth Achievement Awards
• Free Entrance & Food
• Entertainment
• Speakers
• Debate
• Drama
• Sports
Ps. Printed promotional materials can be collected across St. Matthews State, as this project targets young people in St. Matthews
Meaning “prevent before it is too late” in English “Ka Hortag…” is one of EOW’s projects, which is aimed at Somali youth and their parents.
There are many challenges faced by young Somali people in the UK today including drug pressure, youth crime, gang problems, peer pressure, getting into higher education, jobs, etc. There are also other challenges specific to the Somali youth, for instance adapting to a different lifestyle, making sense of unfamiliar customs and, for non-native speakers, trying to learn the English language.
There are also more serious issues that can cause stress and family arguments such as the gap between parents and children. Identity dilemmas can occur; the youth all want to be a part of the same group, do the same things, follow fashion and music trends, etc. Other family and relationship issues of concern are that there may be a lack of role models or father figures for various reasons. We also cannot ignore the threat of Islamic extremists looking to recruit young people into their ‘cause’; the Somali youth are particularly vulnerable to this risk.
This is why EOW has launched “Ka Hortag…” to provide support, information and knowledge and to ensure you are able to get as much out of your lives as possible and have a good and stable future. Prevention is always better than cure.
This awareness campaign was aimed at Somali youth and their parents to raise awareness of the challenges they are facing so that together we can tackle these challenges before it is too late. This campaign consisted of three parts.
Part 1: Career fairs, with over 25 Somali professionals (graduate students, PhD students, post-docs) from all walks of life such as engineers, doctors, lawyers and scientists, who convened and gave a huge chunk of their time to help prospective Somali students who attended the event with any potential questions they might have.
Part 2: Talks from keynotes speakers including inspirational speakers who are:
- Individuals who have broken through the barriers and become successful
- Current youth workers, who are presently working on tackling relevant issues
- Young people that went astray but later managed to overcome their past difficulties
Part 3: A plenary discussion to exchange knowledge, wisdom and information regarding “Ka Hortag…” The discussion was open to all attendees.
This event was successful and well attended. Due to the attendees’ requests, there will be another Phase One event in September 2015 before we move on to Phase Two of this project (“Ka Hortag…”). The date and venue will be announced soon on our website.
As a registered charity and in accordance with our agenda, EOW is committed to collaborating with many different sector experts, talented spokespersons, bilingual community leaders and different communities both in the UK and overseas. This is so that EOW can enhance its work to empower individuals and communities to help them to make their future brighter.